We're extremely excited to introduce our latest bespoke service, which stands to provide monumental gains in all sectors of the cycling community. Like the best ideas, it's pretty radical, so please bear with us.
Gerard Vroomen co-founder of Cervelo said on release of the first S5: "the seat stays are actually redundant; the chain stays alone would be able to withstand the lateral and torsional forces that are exerted on them."
Carbon layup has developed radically since the first S5 came to fruition, and Vroomen's concept is even more applicable with modern frame designs. We've taken this and proven it.
Introducing: Seat stay removal.

We can remove your seat stays, and lovingly refinish your frame, so it looks like they were never there*.
Gains include:
Incredible weight savings
Aero gains
Responsive road compliance
Improved maintenance access
Two detached seat stays to do whatever you like with.
Amazing 90g weight saving on the Factor!
*Not all frames are going to be suitable for this procedure, click here for more information.